Make payments all over the world quickly and securely. Our large network of local payment rails gives you access to best-in-class currency capabilities for all your international payments.

With an extensive list of currencies available, you can pay your suppliers, employees and partners in the right currency for them and you, at a competitive rate and without fees.

Plus, if your business needs to make large numbers of international or domestic payments our mass payments solution lets you pay multiple recipients in their preferred local currency in one simple file upload. You can stay on top of all your payments and collections from one of our easy-to-use multi-currency accounts.

The GC Partner Difference

Each client is allocated their very own personal relationship manager to help support their specific business needs. We will work together and do an in-depth review of your requirements and assist you by implementing a bespoke strategy that works for you.

We give our clients the opportunity and the flexibility to trade and allocate payments online through their GC Partners account or leverage the expertise of your personal relationship manager who will always be on hand to assist you every step of the way.



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